Coordinate a sight-seeing trip, shopping trip or holiday dinner for international students.
Attend 1 function hosted by the International Student Office or an international student organization (i.e. – Chinese Student Association)
Take flowers, cookies, donuts or coffee to the International Student Office to bless them and let them know you appreciate all that they do for your campus. Do your best to make this an unconditional expression of appreciation. If there is more than one CMIT doing this module on your campus, you should obviously do this together.
Do some research and learn whether any foreign leaders have studied on your campus.
Explain to a student why international student ministry is so vital. Give them one of the articles.
If possible, share a brief (5-10 minutes) devotional about this subject in the student leadership meeting.
After finishing the tasks in this module, discuss reaching the world on campus with your coach.
FURTHER STUDY (not required)
Do the I am XAi 21-Day Challenge by Jonathan Lytle